April 14, 2008


Interview: the process of marketing (read: selling) yourself to complete strangers in the hopes of landing a much-needed job.

I have been interviewing a lot lately. More than I like; more than I'm used to. Interviewing is a form of marketing yourself, a known commodity unto you alone, to those who may very well know nothing more about you than what appears on your resume. Not an easy task. Somewhat uncomfortable. After a while, a bit sleazy. Or at least it feels that way.

It really is a necessary evil though, and if approached correctly, can really put you in the best light possible. It's a way to present yourself and your skills and snag the job of your dreams.

At the moment, I'm still waiting...

1 comment:

julie king said...

Interviewing requires a healthy dose of self-esteem, the ability to laugh and a very tough skin!!!