April 15, 2008

Excuse Me Doctor, I'm in the Middle of a Nervous Breakdown

Times have been tough lately in the world of writing. Too many writers, not enough gigs. That's right, I used the word 'gigs.' Kinda like it, too.

So, work is slow, and the day-job ends at the end of the month...what's a girl to do? Interview like heck, and scour the ends of the earth for freelance work. It's out there. There's a ton of it out there. You just have to know where to look and who to ask. You must be fierce. You have to be relentless in your pursuit. I'm getting there. I've got some solid leads and a few projects lined up. Not worried...yet. In a month, well, that's a month away and I simply don't have time to think about it right now.

Which leads me to the point of this entry, along with its aptly named title. Recently, I went to my doctor and told her that I had an "ear ache, migraine headache, and oh, I think I'm having a nervous breakdown." That got her attention. And it got me a little help, because, quite frankly, I do not have time for a nervous breakdown right now. Maybe not ever. But when the time is right, I'll schedule it in. Until then, I have to push on. Stay the course, as ole' President Bush is fond of saying.

On second thought, quoting President Bush is never a good thing.


Anonymous said...

You rock. SO very funny, and great writing. Have you got any books on the market?

Anonymous said...

very nice,

It's nice to read that others have the same feeling as you. I hope you obtain a wealth of work. And become wealthy.

your friend