April 16, 2008

Where Have all the Words Gone

Technology brings many changes, some good, others not so much. One such example of the latter: text messaging. Text messaging is technology shorthand that is single handedly ruining a generation of English language users. Kids can't even write letters, putting pen to paper, without using "CUL8R," "RU?," or "GTG." What happened to actually using entire words, preserving the essence of the message with correct grammar, and knowing how to spell?

These are vital skills, ones which employers expect you to have and know how to use. There simply is no room in standard writing for text shorthand. Using it in place of actual words can become a bad habit, one that you find difficult to break once you are in the "real world" of adults and employment.

That's not to say there isn't room for text messaging shorthand. It has its place--with cell phone usage. And honestly, that's why it was invented...to leave quick, short messages using your phone.

For everything else, proper English, please.

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