November 22, 2008

The Writer's Notebook

Anyone who writes is probably familiar with the writer's notebook, but to those who aren't writers, watching someone scribble in a notebook every five minutes, stopping midstream to jot down thoughts, ideas, prose, even story lines or dialogue, can seem just a bit obsessive.

But writers tend to be obsessive anyhow. I friend of mine, who also happens to be a therapist, and not mine, once told me that writers live in their own little worlds, ones they create deep within, while the rest of us live among the living. 

And if that's true, remembering everything we come up with would be impossible. That's why we write it down, no matter how random it may seem at the time.

The point is this, as all creatives know: when you receive this often elusive creative spark, when the muse graces upon you inspiration, you don't throw it away. You stop what you're doing and grab hold of it. Otherwise, the moment is gone, lost in time, leaving you with nothing to show for it.

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