November 9, 2008

Fade into You

Sorry I haven't posted anything for so very long. Work has kept me busy, and then there's life, which can get in the way of everything. Anyhow...

Here's the latest poem I am working on. Another work-in-progress, but isn't it better to create than to destroy or do nothing at all?


The world could just disappear,
As long as I have you here
Nothing else matters...
Hold your hand out for mine,
Fade into you as we entwine,
And nothing else matters
It could all just burn away
Nothing else matters, anymore
When you come near
I can't breathe, so unaware
The world could just fade away
Because nothing else matters
Burn away, simply fade
Nothing else matters
When you're near

1 comment:

julie king said...

very nice poem, laura!