June 10, 2008

In Memoriam, for Matthew

Three years ago next month, my eldest son's best friend died in a car accident. It was a tragic loss, a shock to all of us, but to none more so than Matthew's mother and father. You see, Matthew was riding in the car with his father when his dad lost control on a back country road and slammed head-on into another vehicle. Matthew died instantly from a broken neck.

In the aftermath of all of this, while trying to console my son and make some sense of such a senseless accident, I wrote this poem in memory of Matthew...in memory of every child lost before his time and for the mothers who have to let them go.

In Memoriam, 7-12-05

In the stillness of your room
The only sounds,
Your breath and mine
I cradle you
Just for a moment,
But forever in time
Holding your body, skin on skin
Alone in the dark, in the peace of quiet
Just as once the whole of me held you
Resting alone inside my womb
One careless moment
Twelve years taken away
With you, a part of me died, too
Now I cradle you
Once more, once again
Once, for all of time
Clinging tight, skin on skin
Alone in the dark, in the pain of quiet
To say goodbye, to let you go
Resting alone inside your tomb

© 2005 Laura Hensley

Ironically, my eldest son broke his neck exactly six months later. He survived and did not experience even the slightest adverse affect...there but for the grace of God.

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